Books I’m currently using to learn French, Arabic and Russian

Today’s video covers my language plans for the upcoming semester, and I thought it would be useful to show what I’m using to learn at the moment.


Course books

Édito: Méthode de français (3e edition, C1) — Élodie Heu and Jean-Jacques Mabilat, Didier (just a very standard textbook)

Édito: Cahier d’activités (3e edition, C1) — Élodie Heu and Jean-Jacques Mabilat, Didier (just a very standard exercise book)

Personal books

Les 500 Exercises de Grammaire (C1) — Hachette (a super rigorous grammar series)

Schaum’s French Grammar (Sixth Edition) — McGraw Hill Education (another grammar book and an old favourite of mine)

Mot à Mot: New Advanced French Vocabulary — Paul Humberstone, Hodder Education (a really great vocabulary book for targeting specific issues)

New Advanced French Vocabulary — Horsfall (another vocab book that I acquired years ago; I find it it’s good to compare them, especially if I’m uncertain about usage/translation)

Les Prostiutées (Onze nouvelles) — Maupassant (the fiction book I’m currently reading)

Arabic (MSA)

Course books

Mastering Arabic 1 (Third Edition) — Jane Wightwick and Mahmoud Gaafar, Palgrave Press (so far a really great and clear textbook)

Mastering Arabic 1 Activity Book (Second Edition) — Jane Wightwick and Mahmoud Gaafar, Palgrave Press (a clear exercise book that compliments the textbook well)

Personal books

Read and Write Arabic Script — Mourad Diori, Teach Yourself (a reference book for the script, which again, I find very clear and easy to follow)

Get Started in Arabic: Absolute Beginner Course — Frances Altorfer and Mairi Smart (a fun and colourful non-scary textbook I’m using alongside as an introduction)


“Course books”

I’m sort of running my own course, so it’s not exactly the same, but currently:

Russian Tutor: Grammar and Vocabulary Workbook — Michael Ransome and Marta Tomaszewski, Teach Yourself (the textbook I’m using as the basis for my weekly Russian “class” that I’m doing with my friend)

“Personal books”

Russian Grammar You Really Need To Know — Daphne West, Teach Yourself (мы main grammar reference book)

Рассказы Для Детей (Stories for Children) — М. Зощенко, Малыш (my main fiction resource for vocabulary)


Obviously there are many many online and free resources I’m using — this blog post is just a reference point for anyone curious about exactly what I’m using for classes and in personal study on a week-by-week basis.

I hope you’re having a very lovely week, and I wish you good luck with learning!

2 thoughts on “Books I’m currently using to learn French, Arabic and Russian”

    1. Ouais moi aussi ! Et je suis en train de lire «Fleurs du mal» en ce moment, donc lire la poésie était une très bonne suggestion !
      I will check out your blog now. Thanks for sharing, Arnaud ! (Comme Hey Arnaud)


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